002: Travis Chappell - Be Comfortable in the Uncomfortable

Published: June 13, 2020, 6 a.m.


Travis Chappell has made it his mission to help a million people cultivate genuine relationships the right way.

He has found that there are two types of people: 1.) Those who think they are networking properly, but are actually really annoying everyone they come in contact with by barfing their elevator pitch, throwing a business card or five in your face, and moving on to the next person (I call that person Networking Ned) and 2.) Those who hate Networking Ned so much that they avoid the practice altogether, for fear of becoming that person.

After publishing over 400 episodes of his show, Build Your Network, Travis has picked up on a few secret techniques and strategies that will help you ditch the fear of networking, avoid becoming Networking Ned, and build genuine relationships that will unlock the next level in your life.

On this episode:

  • Travis talks about growing up within a 20 acre campus as part of a religious organization.
  • Find out how Travis developed an entrepreneurial itch through doing landscaping in college.
  • Learn why Travis got tired of making a six figure income through the avenue of sales and why chose to pursue a different path.
  • Travis explains how he got into podcasting.
  • Learn how Winston Churchill inspires Travis in the midst of chaos.
  • Hear how Covid-19 impacted Travis\\u2019 business.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Leaders should be masters of change.
  2. The modes of influencing others have changed throughout history.
  3. You must be willing to know when you\\u2019re wrong.

Tweetable Quotes:

  • \\u201cIf you can\\u2019t handle the heat, don\\u2019t take the role of leader.\\u201d - Denis Gianoutsos
  • \\u201cIf you don\\u2019t change your trajectory, you\\u2019re just going to end up where you\\u2019re headed.\\u201d - Travis Chappell
  • \\u201cClarity only appears from action.\\u201d - Travis Chappell
  • \\u201cEmpathy is the great equalizer.\\u201d - Travis Chappell

Travis Chappell:


Denis Gianoutsos:
