Encore The Perfection Trap: Embracing the Power of Good Enough

Published: July 22, 2024, 7 a.m.

b"Thomas Curran is a professor of psychology at the London School of Economics and author of a landmark study that the BBC hailed as \\u201cthe first to compare perfectionism across generations.\\u201d His TED Talk on perfectionism has received more than three million views. His research has been featured in media ranging from the Harvard Business Review to New Scientist to CNN and he has appeared on numerous television and radio programs.\\n Adam Grant calls Curran \\u201cthe world's leading expert on perfectionism, and he's written the definitive book on why it's rising, how it wreaks havoc on our lives, and what we can do to stop it.\\u201d \\nDaniel Pink says that it \\u201coffers a hopeful beacon and a steady path for anyone struggling to find their footing in a world of impossible standards.\\u201d \\n\\u2022\\tHear how perfection is growing and why. \\n\\u2022\\tHow does it relate to procrastination? \\n\\u2022\\tHow does perfectionism influence decision-making processes and the willingness to take calculated risks?\\n\\u2022\\tWhat strategies can leaders employ to balance their pursuit of excellence with the need to show empathy and understanding toward team members' limitations?\\n \\nFor more information: https://www.thomcurran.com/"