"Following Feelings Over Formulas" - 113

Published: May 9, 2018, 8:30 a.m.


If you consider yourself an overthinker and you want to quiet the self-doubt so you can trust yourself, your body and your intuition, today\\u2019s solo episode is for you. I talk about following your feelings over formulas, and I believe there is a call (especially if you\\u2019re stepping into leadership) for us to release the \\u201ctraining wheels\\u201d of formulas, templates, and checklists.

When we start following our feelings, our heart and our body, we\\u2019ll quiet that mental chatter of beating ourselves up, as well as not allowing ourselves to get beat up from the outside world.

What you\'ll hear (and don\'t want to miss!)

  • One quote that validates everything for me around our feelings [3:43]
  • Two ways we can make learning easier [5:38]

  • What is our Self 1 and Self 2 - and why it\\u2019s important to be aware of them [10:48]

  • How to get the clearest possible picture of your desired outcomes [12:28]

  • Ways you can start learning how to trust yourself [15:41]

  • How to see what is happening - without judgment [22:03]

  • Actions steps for you to take (and how I do things in my own life) [27:38]

FIND full show notes here: https://jadahsellner.com/feelings-over-formulas-jadah-sellner-113

