How to Listen: A WISER Way to Lead

Published: Sept. 14, 2020, 9 a.m.

Welcome to the Lead with Levity podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Heather Walker, and I'm so excited to share today's guest with you--Kyle Gillette. Kyle is the owner of Gillette Solutions and the host of the Sage Mindset podcast. Kyle is based in Washington, and he helps small business owners lead their businesses and people with less stress and more freedom. He helps everyone get on the bus and moving in the same direction. And that's exactly what we need today. I'm looking forward to talking to him about what he's seeing at the leadership level and any recommendations that he has for leaders today.

In this episode, we cover:
  • Leaders need to de-stress
  • How leaders can empower themselves and their teams
  • How leaders can help others express their 'best selves'
  • How to get the most from your next one-on-one meeting
  • How to help someone on your team who has a negative outlook
  • Kyle's WISER listening model

Resources Mentioned

About Gillette Solutions
All people have the ability to thrive in their personal and professional lives - to obtain freedom and independence we strive to achieve. The key is learning your passions and the individual talents you possess. As these become clear, focus improves and success follows. We all have a sense of where our passions lie, though there can be ambiguity as to what drives us. We generally know our skills, strengths, and talents, though we can be unclear on how to use those abilities to realize our passions. At Gillette Solutions, we help small business owners, solopreneurs, and business professionals develop new perspectives, thought patterns, and habits to overcome fear, doubt, and improve self-confidence.
I help you take control of your time, talent, and build a roadmap to increase your bottom-line. We do this through courses, behavioral analysis, and (my favorite) coaching!

About the Podcast
The Lead with Levity podcast is a show for leaders who care deeply about what makes/breaks the employee experience. Our guests are dynamic researchers, practitioners, consultants, and business leaders. We cover foundational elements that are needed to avoid forcing the fun. We also invite lively managers who lead with levity to show us how it's done. Thanks for joining us on this journey.