Small World

Published: Feb. 8, 2017, 12:44 a.m.

Welcome to the Lancaster Story Slam podcast!We kicked off our third season of storytelling with the theme of Small World! Eileen Joyce won the night with her story of stalking like-named people throughout the world. 

Our second storyteller is Tony Crocamo. If you’ve been listening to the podcast, you know Tony’s stories, always thoughtful and well told. Tony happened to be the first name drawn out of a hat at our January Story Slam, so it was a delight for us to open up the 2017 season with this story.

Do you dream of telling a story onstage, but feel like you’d like some assistance? We’re making plans to hold our annual storytelling workshop - a two-hour class that will help you shape your story and steel your nerves to take the plunge. Our tentative date is Wednesday, April 12th. Check the news section of our website for confirmation and to register.

Our final storyteller is Melissa Snavely. Melissa is one of our volunteers who helps us with ticketing and admissions at our live events. She told her inspiring story of attending the Women’s March in Washington DC and the memories it conjured up.

Lancaster Story Slam is always held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at Tellus360. Our events start at 8pm, but we recommend arriving early to grab a pint and food at the front bar. You can check out all the details, the rules, and the the themes for the year at our website -

If you enjoyed the podcast, we’d love it if you you would leave a rating and review on iTunes, or let your friends know they can listen to Lancaster folks telling true tales each month.  Thanks for listening!