Love and Hate

Published: March 12, 2017, 8:46 p.m.

The 2017 Lancaster Story Slam season is in full swing. Our theme for February was “Love and Hate,” and we heard all different takes on the subject. It was quite a turnout too as people celebrated Mardi Gras - a festive night for sure!

When it was over, Beth Horenkamp was declared the winning storyteller. Beth has taken to the stage several times over the past two years. 

Beth will be returning to the Grand Slam this November. She was also a grand slam competitor last season!

Do you have a story you want to tell on stage? Have you been secretly thinking you want to tell a story but would like a boost of confidence? We’re holding our Storytelling Workshop on Wednesday night, April 5th at Tellus 360. Our two-hour class will help you think through how to draft your story and provide tips on telling your story live on stage. Learn more on the website, Lancaster Story Slam on the Workshops page. Register to secure your spot.

Laura Heller told about how one slip changed her whole international experience. 

Here’s a totally different take on the theme of Love and Hate. Linda Silberman was a first-time storyteller, and we can say we are glad she is back her in Pennsylvania. 

Our final storyteller is my co-producer, Jim Breslin. He recalls a controversial celebrity that he worked with years ago.

Lancaster Story Slam is always held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at Tellus360. Our events start at 8pm, but we recommend arriving early to grab a pint and food at the front bar. You can check out all the details, the rules, and the the themes for the year at our website -

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