Hot Mess

Published: Aug. 28, 2017, 12:05 a.m.

Welcome to the Lancaster Story Slam podcast! Our August Story Slam was themed “Hot Mess” and the night ended in a tie! Two stories about being caught in dangerous heat won the night. 

Let’s start with the co-winning story from Jim Pollak. 

If you love storytelling because you are a writer, check out HippoCamp 2017! HippoCamp is a three day conference for creative non-fiction writers, and this year features keynote speakers Tobias Wolff and Dinty W. Moore. The conference includes special breakout sessions on writing, publishing and even storytelling. It’s all happening right in downtown Lancaster this September 8-10, 2017.

The co-winner of the night was no stranger to our stage. Aaron Lewis won a Lancaster Story Slam last year and has emceed both here and in York. 


Both Aaron and Jim Pollak will be competing in our 2017 Lancaster Story Slam Grand Slam this November.

Our final story has a different type of Hot Mess. Jim Hamrick told this story of a very awkward moment shopping with his family.

Our next Story Slam will be Tuesday, September 26th and the theme is Old School. Tell us your favorite story of being a student in school, teaching at school, or how you tackled an issue “old school.” Our events are held at Tellus360 and we start telling stories at 8pm.

If you enjoyed the podcast, we’d love it if you you would leave a rating and review on iTunes, or let your friends know they can listen to Lancaster folks telling true tales each month.

Thanks for listening!