2016 Grand Slam - Rise Above

Published: Dec. 7, 2016, 2:41 a.m.

This Lancaster Story Slam podcast is sponsored by Levante Brewing Company! Elevate your craft with a pint from Levante!

Our 2016 Story Slam season ended with a remarkable night of stories at our second annual Grand Slam. The winning storytellers competed for the title of Best Storyteller in Lancaster. The theme for the night was Rise Above. Thanks to all our storytellers, the judges, and the sold out audience who cheered on the storytellers throughout this magical night.

The Best Storyteller in Lancaster for 2016 is Audrey Lopez! Back in June, Audrey earned her Grand Slam spot with a story of how peanut butter and jelly played a role in her assimilation. In the Grand Slam, she told the story of how she came to find her voice. Here is Audrey.

Our second story comes from Tony Crocamo. Tony earned his Grand Slam slot with an instant classic - the chewing gum story - which he told back in May. At the Grand Slam, he told a story about marriage.

Our final story is from Aaron Spangler, who had won our April story slam with his story about Respect. At the Grand Slam, Aaron told how he learned about a family secret that shook him to the core.

Our 2017 Story Slam season begins on Tuesday, January 24th at Tellus360! Date and themes for the entire season will be announced soon so check out lancasterstoryslam.com and sign up for our newsletter. We hope to see you on stage in 2017.

If you enjoyed the podcast, we’d love it if you you would leave a rating and review on iTunes, or let your friends know they can listen to Lancaster folks telling true tales each month.

Thanks for listening!