Portrait of the Artist’s Wife with Katherine and Philipp

Published: Sept. 3, 2020, 1:07 p.m.

Portrait of the Artist’s Wife with Katherine and Philipp is the least famous but most poignant of Hans Holbein’s works. More historian than poet, Hans Holbein was the visual documentarian of his time. He was the ultimate portrait painter of 16th century England. Holbein’s portrayals of King Henry VIII and his court impact us to this day. In some ways his work enlightens. We know what they wore down to the tiniest jeweled bits. The hair and makeup also share compelling details about beauty ideals of the time.

But he also painted propaganda. That classic portrait of Henry with his white-stockinged legs wide apart? Hans Holbein painted it when the King no longer held himself with such majesty. The strength we see in it was Holbein’s creation. He was a working artist; trying to keep his boss happy. We see his wizardry at work in this as well as Holbein’s signature full length court portraits.

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