AK45: I Remember - Gospel

Published: Dec. 16, 2011, 4 p.m.

b'The long overdue sequel to the 07/07/07 mix. "I Remember" keeps things gospel, an oft-overlooked genre that I became acquainted with through my love of soul music. Many of the early soul artists started out in gospel, and "went secular." Artists like Ray Charles didn\'t even bother to change the music, singing secular lyrics over gospel standards. "God" simply became "you babe." \\n\\nAs I wind my way through this genre, I never stop being surprised just how diverse the sound can be. Gospel aint just church organ and choir. Gospel-funk, gospel-jazz, gospel-rock, rockin-gospel-anti-rock, gospel-disco, modern-soul-gospel, there\'s plenty of stuff to love, and hate, within the genre. "I Remember" isn\'t so much about representing the diverse limits of the gospel genre (perhaps another mix?) as it is about blending together the finest examples of this vast genre that I could find. I hope you enjoy it.\\n\\nSee http://www.ak45.com/iremember for a full track breakdown and pics.'