Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival - March 13, 2016

Published: March 14, 2016, 7:26 p.m.

Today’s Word By Word broadcast begins with an Irish toast befitting this weekend’s weather:

May the sun shine warm upon your face
and the rains fall soft upon your fields.

Today’s guests represent the Ninth Annual Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival (SDFF) which opens on St. Patrick’s Day, Thursday Evening, March 17th and runs through Sunday afternoon, March 20th at the Sebastopol Center for the Arts.

Sharing the microphones with Gil are the Program Director and documentary filmmaker, Randy Hall. We also have a phone conversations with magician and Filmmaker Ben Proudfoot whose feature film Rwanda & Juliet tells the unlikely story of a well-intentioned man’s attempts to stage a production of Romeo & Juliet in Rwanda as a means of reconciliation. Several of Ben’s short films (Rust, Stone, Ladybug, The Ox) are presented from his “Life’s Work” made-for-streaming docs.

Gil is hosting the Thursday night festival opener, Kent Jones’ exceptional documentary Hitchcock/Trudeau, and he invites listeners to join him.