Rep McCarthy fails to win Speaker role after three rounds of voting; Northern California expects intense storm, flooding and high winds; Wood Street encampment in Oakland braces for storm and city eviction January 9

Published: Jan. 3, 2023, 6 p.m.

b'Comprehensive coverage of the day\\u2019s news with a focus on war and peace; social, environmental and economic justice.\\n\\nChaos in the ranks of House Republicans. After three rounds of voting, Kevin McCarthy falls far short in his bid to become the new House Speaker. His opponents say he can\\u2019t be trusted to drain the swamp.\\nCalifornia is bracing for a new storm \\u2013 an atmospheric river expected to bring flooding, winds, and colder temperatures.\\nThe Wood Street encampment in Oakland is bracing for the storm, and for another city eviction on Monday January 9.\\xa0The Wood Street encampment in Oakland is bracing for the storm, and for another city eviction on Monday January 9.\\xa0\\nThe California snowpack is off to one of its best starts in 40 years but it\\u2019ll take more storms to climb out of the state\\u2019s prolonged drought.\\nUltranationalist Israeli Cabinet minister Itamar Ben Gavir pays a provocative visit to the Al Aqsa Mosque Compound in Jerusalem.\\nAnd an annual report on racial profiling shows that California law enforcement was more than twice as likely to use force against people they perceived as Black than those they believed to be white.\\n\\nImage: Jared DeFigh rakes wood chips at the Wood Street Commons to help with mud, after rainstorms flooded parts of the encampment in Oakland. Photo by Corinne Smith / KPFA News\\nThe post Rep McCarthy fails to win Speaker role after three rounds of voting; Northern California expects intense storm, flooding and high winds; Wood Street encampment in Oakland braces for storm and city eviction January 9 appeared first on KPFA.'