President Joe Biden announces plan to reach low vaccination areas; 4 more bodies found in Florida condo collapse, as storm Elsa slows search and rescue efforts; California bill to expedite access to end of life medicine for terminally ill advances

Published: July 6, 2021, 6 p.m.

b'Comprehensive coverage of the day\\u2019s news with a focus on war and peace; social, environmental and economic justice.\\n\\nPresident Joe Biden estimates 70% of adult population will be vaccinated by end of week, announces push to reach low vaccination areas.\\nWorld Health Organization urges caution as nations ease COVID-19 restrictions, as Delta variant increases new infection rates.\\nNew study finds Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine not as effective against Delta variant.\\n4 more bodies found in Florida condo collapse, as storm Elsa slows search and rescue efforts.\\nAdvocates rally for Steven Donzinger, human rights lawyer on house arrest for 700 days in New York, over oil giant, Chevron\\u2019s lawsuit.\\nCalifornia bill to quicken access to end of life medicine for terminally ill, advances in state legislature.\\nProposed wildlife trail crossing under Highway 17 gets $2 million in state budget bill.\\nBiden administration meets with Uighur\\u2019s who rally in Washington D.C. demanding actions against China\\u2019s re-education camps for them.\\n\\nThe post President Joe Biden announces plan to reach low vaccination areas; 4 more bodies found in Florida condo collapse, as storm Elsa slows search and rescue efforts; California bill to expedite access to end of life medicine for terminally ill advances appeared first on KPFA.'