#272: The Power of a Book Series

Published: May 12, 2021, 11 a.m.


We talked about publishing short Kindle books last month. If you publish short books, I recommend creating a Kindle series around your main topic.\\xa0 Your series title can be related to your main topic.\\xa0 Then, each small book can focus on a specific problem within that topic.\\xa0\\xa0

Publishing a book series helps you build authority in that niche; people will eventually know that you know your stuff.\\xa0\\xa0

One of the first series that I created was my vegetarian cookbook series.\\xa0 There were seven books in the series and they sold really well.\\xa0 Each book in the series then promoted the others.\\xa0

Instead of having one cookbook with ALL the recipes, I broke it down by topic as follows:

  1. Breakfast Recipes
  2. Lunch Recipes
  3. Main Entrees
  4. Appetizer Recipes
  5. Salad Recipes
  6. Soup, Stew, and Chili Recipes
  7. The Ultimate Guide to Vegetarian Cooking with ALL the recipes

By now, you should be getting the idea.

What seems to work best is when you have six or seven books in the series.\\xa0 That seems to be the sweet spot, where Amazon starts promoting the other books for you and doing some advertising for you. They do this by displaying your book on \\u201cCustomers who bought this also bought\\u201d or sending out promotional emails about your books.\\xa0

You may think that six to seven books sound like too much work!\\xa0 However, if you think about writing 10,000 words per book or 60,000-70,000 words for the entire series, this is less content than some full-length novels.\\xa0 Therefore, when writing a Kindle series, think about it as if you are writing one big book in small chunks of six or seven smaller eBooks.\\xa0\\xa0

It is powerful.\\xa0

I want you to really consider writing a series and finishing one book per month.\\xa0 If you do this, your entire series will be finished in less than seven months.\\xa0\\xa0

And the benefits of publishing your series can last a lifetime.\\xa0 Here are just a few of the benefits possible to you as a Kindle author:

  • Credibility
  • Authority in your niche
  • Exposure for your business\\xa0
  • Reach more people with your message (even internationally)
  • Get leads for your business, 24/7, on autopilot
  • Find new clients for your services
  • Diversify your income
  • And more!

Download Your Publishing Map

If you want to write and publish a book but don\'t know where to start, this Publishing Map is for you. You will learn Shelley\'s 9 simple steps inside her publishing map that will help you gain clarity on your next steps.

Download it now for free here: https://www.trainingauthors.com/publishing-map/\\xa0
