Chris Merrill welcomes entrepreneur Fred Bok, speaking about his Innovation in extinguishing technology and environment protection

Published: Oct. 6, 2022, 2:12 a.m.

Unique, one of a kind extinguishing additive.

- Wild & brush fires

- Coal fires

- Rubber (tire) fires

- Private homes protection


Environment advantages:

- 100% Biodegradable

- NO product residues left behind

- Product is completely free of PFAS, PFOS, PFOA’s, safe for mankind and animals

- Huge water savings by fast and efficient extinguishing, NO rekindling of fire source

- Strong reduction on CO2 pollution due to fast & efficient extinguishing

- NO soil sanitation needed

- NO water pollution, safe on fish, algae, daphnia etc.

- Sustainable product

How does it works:

  1. Add product with a 5% dilution in any existing professional fire extinguishing apparatus/equipment

or premix in advance in water tank

  1. Product will be activated by heat from fire source
  2. Absorption of oxygen in fire source above 180°F, immediate strong reduction of flames and ambers
  3. Unexceed cool down effect that prevents rekindling of fire source


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