20230505 - The Battle Of Good Vs Evil Will Always Be With Us

Published: May 5, 2023, 8 p.m.

b'Governor Mike Huckabee, of "Huckabee" on TBN, looks at the recent Subway Incident in which a 24 year old Marine choked out a Homeless patron in a Subway car in NYC recently that tragically led to the end of his life and how we need to let the process play out before we start name-calling and accusing one side of a crime he may or may not have committed. Giancarlo Canapro, from the Heritage Foundation, looks at a Christian College student body recent demonstrated censorship on a guest speaker by not allowing this person to enter their college campus after a recent discovery on this guests social media page. EJ Kimball, of the Combat Antisemitism Movement, looks at how we should be bringing more awareness to the spike and rise of antisemitism crimes happening here in the United States during Jewish Heritage Month. Bethany Mandel, from Deseret News, looks at a recent comment and observation made by Tucker Carlson on a podcast, of how we should be having Mormon-level type children.'