20220714 - The Outlook We Seek Isn't As Invisible As Joe Biden's Biggest Fans

Published: July 14, 2022, 9:15 p.m.

Dr. Kevin Roberts, President of the Heritage Foundation looks at the soul of America at stake with the rise of toxicity that has permeated through Washington, DC, thanks to the policies and ideologies of the Progressive Left. Bethany Mandel from Deseret News and the Executive Editor of the Heroes of Liberty series looks at the latest release in Mark Twain to the subscription and this one Momma Bear that is trying to run for School Board in Montgomery County that is being chastised because she's an African American immigrant that's a member of her local church board. Kelsey Bolar of IWF and the Daily Caller examines how the role of the media has changed as she's become a parent and how the role of Crisis Pregnancy Centers does everything they can to help expecting mothers.