The Macks, featuring Maggie, Jack, and Zack (Ep. 5)

Published: Aug. 3, 2020, 4 p.m.

b'The Macks are back! KSR\\u2019s next gen \\u2013 also known as Maggie Davis, Jack Pilgrim and Zack Geoghegan \\u2013 are back in their respective Zoom studios for another wild edition of their (almost) weekly show. And they finally have a logo!\\nToday, the gang talks about how MLB is royally screwing themselves, and Maggie is impressed with how the NBA is handling things. But\\u2026 How did Nerlens Noel forget to get his daily COVID-19 test?! Jack discusses the latest Olivier Sarr news, and Zack dives into this season\\u2019s UK Hoops potential. Plus, why does Jack knows so much about drive-through strip clubs\\n\\n \\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'