The A Block E39: Pathetic Losers Who Are Also Stupid

Published: Dec. 22, 2022, 3:08 p.m.

b'Holidays got you feeling too happy? Look no further than this bummer of an episode of The A Block!\\xa0Well, okay, it\\u2019s not that bad but we aren\\u2019t exactly feeling FULL of the holiday spirit.\\xa0\\nWe discuss holidays as an adult, getting sick during the holidays and more mundane holidayness for you to dig into.\\xa0\\nPlus we get into the Harry and Meghan of it all, Hayley steps into the light and rages against social media and we all bid farewell to something we hope stays the hell in 2022.\\xa0\\nThank you, to angel Andy Parsons for our special gifts. Merry Christmas!!!!!!\\nJoin us! Send us questions to\\, Twitter\\xa0@theablockpod\\xa0or on Instagram at @theablockpod. You can hear each episode on the Kentucky Sports Radio feed and also by\\xa0subscribing to The A Block on\\xa0Apple Podcasts\\xa0or\\xa0Spotify. Interested in partnering with us on the show? Reach out to\\\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'