185: The Nightmare Before Christmas with Meagan Hyland

Published: Dec. 10, 2023, 1:54 p.m.


What\\u2019s this? What\\u2019s this? Meg Hyland\\u2019s back to talk to us about The Nightmare Before Christmas. We were going to rewrite all the lyrics to What\\u2019s This to be about the podcast but literally none of the words associated with this podcast scan with the meter of the song so instead just listen to the episode. It\\u2019s about creative burnout, and mall goths, and passing the wierd parts of yourself onto younger relatives.


Meagan is @meghyland. She\\u2019s extremely talented, follow her.


Alan is\\xa0\\u2060@alan_maguire\\u2060. He does a bit of standup but Juvenalia is his main thing right now.


Sarah is \\u2060@griffski\\u2060. Her books are in all good bookshops. Her newsletter is at \\u2060griffnotes.ghost.io\\u2060


Thank you to Dee McDonnell for our artwork.


We have a Patreon! You can get bonus episodes including our fortnightly show Started/Finished where we talk about the pop culture we\\u2019ve started and finished recently. We also have some free lil bits of merch. It\'s \\u2060patreon.com/juvenalia


This episode was produced by Alan Maguire


Juvenalia is a Tall Tales podcast. Thank you Cassie.
