117: Sister Act 2 / The Bends with Cassie Delaney

Published: Jan. 8, 2021, 1:01 a.m.


New Year New Us! Not really, we\'re exactly the same, everything is exactly the same BUT we decided to do things a little differently for our first episode of 2021. Alan, Sarah, and Cassie Delaney all picked the thing that absolutely changed them forever, their Juvenalia Prime topic and talked about it. Cassie\'s Creep Dive energy was a bad influence and we ran out of time before we could talk about Sarah\'s thing so we\'re going to do that on Patreon at a later date. Right here, right now though you get to listen to Cassie talk about Sister Act II and Alan talk about The Bends. In between there\'s lots of talk about choirs and just the joy of singing in harmony. Happy new year everybody.


Also, near the end of the episode Cassie looks at her phone and realises that an attempted coup is happening in the US Capitol so listen out for that little piece of history.


Cassie is @cassielorraine. She runs Tall Tales, the podcast network that this very podcast appears on and co-hosts The Creep Dive.


Alan is @alan_maguire. Juvenalia is his main thing right now.


Sarah is @griffski. Her many books are in all good bookshops and her many zines are at sarahmariagriff.com


Thank you to Dee McDonnell for our artwork.


We have a Patreon! You can get bonus episodes and free lil bits of merch. It\'s patreon.com/juvenalia


Juvenalia is a Tall Tales podcast. Thank you Cassie.
