Pete Prendergast- 6Q Copywriter

Published: Feb. 17, 2020, 11 p.m.

b"Sup guys, welcome back to another week of me interviewing our school champs! This week I sat down with Pete(r) Prendergast, a copywriter former poli sci major and chatted about all kinds of things that I stripped from the audio to save your poor souls (I'm sorry, Peter!). Nevertheless, tune in to hear how his horrible experience with account management lead him here, why he thinks real Irishman Pete Prendergast should give up one of his two domain names for him, & how he finds inspiration in all kinds of things. Also, don't tempt us but we just might start a movie podcast since we both have some THINGS TO SAY.\\n\\nPeter Prendergast:\\n\\\\u2028\\\\\\n\\nThanks for listening! Podcasts come out weekly, but to stay up to date on all things Just Getting Started follow me at & follow my personal account at"