A.J. Shapiro- 6Q Copywriter

Published: Aug. 31, 2020, 10 p.m.

b'This week I interviewed A.J. Shapiro, also known as "Philosophical Chillin." Tune in to hear how he went all the way from Israel to making guitars for artists like Hoizer to The Creative Circus, why he memorizes rather than records great prose, and his spontaneous rapping that I still haven\'t gotten over. Oh, and if you want to help me win a bet, then write this man a letter (address below):\\n\\nA.J. Shapiro:\\ninstagram.com/philosophical_chillin/\\nshapiro663@gmail.com\\n1645 Woodbine Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30317\\n\\nThanks for listening! As always, cover art is made by this week\'s guest. Podcasts come out weekly, but to stay up to date on all things Just Getting Started follow me at instagram.com/jgspodcast & follow my personal account at instagram.com/femalespencer'