
Published: Dec. 18, 2017, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who when you first read his bio, you think....or at least I did "Is this true?" He starts with "I\\xa0grew up with a tribe of Mayan Indians in a remote village in the highlands of Guatemala. I am also a\\xa0helicopter and airplane pilot, an avid photographer, and taught high performance motorcycle riding/racing. " So this gives you one impression of todays Indiana Jones type guest, so let\'s give you another He\\u2019s an author, speaker, and an entrepreneurial adviser who can teach the world how to make an impact through thought leadership and how to turn their competitors into an asset.\\xa0 His work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, USA Today, INC. Magazine, and Forbes.\\xa0 He is also a regular speaker not only for TEDx, but for Harvard, Adobe, and other international conferences and now is delivering to the world his fifth book, The Business Of Expertise: How Entrepreneurial Experts Convert Insight To Impact + Wealth teaches entrepreneurs how to elevate themselves and the world. In the book he discusses\\xa0Five Early Tests for the Positioning of Your Expertise; Demonstrating Expertise; Not Demonstrating Expertise; How Expertise Unfolds" Which gives us a great framework for taking you guys onto the first steps of being an expert in your own field and rocking it bigtime. But what really shows the man is what he told me on email, and you can hear the passion bigtime "I\\u2019m very successful by most measures, but it always feels tentative to me. I see myself on the street some day if things don\\u2019t go my way, if I get lazy, if I have some bad luck. I\\u2019m hungry for more, and it drives me crazy. I wish I could relax and enjoy the success w/o being paranoid about it. \\xa0 It feels like life throws weird twists and turns at you and it\\u2019s a matter of reimagining yourself in a different role. Saying \\u201cno\\u201d to most of those things so that you can say \\u201chell, yes!!!!\\u201d to a few of them. Being grateful, disciplined, and eager. Now I am rambling" So where do people go wrong...not spending enough time on becoming an expert, or spending too long and never going out to prove it? And when did he realise where he should position himself on his own entrepreneurial journey? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr David C Baker Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with\\xa0David C Baker such as: David shares why he is still travelling across the world to be put on the spot week in and week out. He feels that he needs to sharpen his skills, by constantly being tested and this is the best way to not getting stupid. Why we all have a lack of confidence in our personal abilities at the beginning, and more often than not do not grow until the market starts seeing us as good. Its then that our own personal belief hits in. David shares how he started his own marketing firm, and how he severely underestimated\\xa0 the amount of work that it took to get it off the ground. and lastly\\u2026. Why consultants are in so many ways scamming their company by simply asking the questions that the company should always know if they truly look within themselves.'