Podquisition 442: Bring on the Bafflement

Published: June 15, 2023, 4 p.m.

b'When faced with absurdity, return it in kind.\\n\\nGames we played this week include: \\nChoo Choo Survivor (15:10)\\nStreet Fighter 6 (31:02)\\nOllie Frog: Toad Skater (48:50)\\nStation to Station (50:05)\\nVenba (51:30)\\nLies of P (53:50)\\nFinal Fantasy XVI (59:45)\\nCassette Beasts (1:11:45)\\n\\n---\\nNews things talked about in this episode:\\nFTC files case to block Microsoft acquisition of ABK until scheduled hearing in August (1:14:30)\\nhttps://apnews.com/article/microsoft-activision-blizzard-xbox-ftc-ab5dd455ed5a2785983d8373915e3531\\n\\nEmbracer Group closing studios and canceling games after $2bn deal falls through (1:17:10)\\nhttps://www.eurogamer.net/saints-row-owner-embracer-announces-comprehensive-restructuring-program-to-close-studios-cut-jobs\\n\\nBioware announces and immediately canceled a collectible statue of floating dead FemShep (1:22:45)\\nhttps://kotaku.com/mass-effect-shepard-dead-statue-bioware-pull-femshep-1850532001\\n\\n---\\nBuy official Jimquisition merchandise from the Jimporium at thejimporium.com\\n\\nFind Laura at LauraKBuzz on Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, and Patreon. All her content goes on LauraKBuzz.com, and you can catch Access-Ability on YouTube every Friday.\\n\\nFollow Conrad at ConradZimmerman on Twitter and check out his Patreon. You can also peruse his anti-capitalist propaganda at mercenarycreative.com.'