Podcast #17: Angels in Real Life, and Jack White vs John Mayer

Published: May 7, 2020, 3 p.m.

NOTE: Sorry this podcast is a few days late. I had it edited and was uploading it, but the power went out in the part of Nashville I live in, and it just came back on this evening (Wednesday). Sorry for the delay!! Some of the topics discussed: power outage in Nashville and the Wichita Lineman. "Not quite the homesteaders we used to be." Some artists like Jack White makes this difficult for himself on purpose to stretch himself, like putting tools he needs out just out reach. We talk briefly about Jack White's place in great musical artists (winner of 12 Grammies) and is he deserving of that any. We discuss John Mayer and how we both were introduced to him. Finally Tim tell two stories of God and Angels intervening in his life in pedestrian but profound ways. https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/jimidandthewolf?__cft__[0]=AZVYzb-QiX5h0hM6AvnITEsd0vne-0pZVJe7mmpNcHQBzb14167uCKmL199Y3AAg77aN3HJqUIhJWPTMtci48tErhKknO1SV1x_gtTu7wRnr0TWE7Q19CsTeGqxBfoktJf9jtDH5Co9n2arUMsRHLrRsOXjMMsayRgYHPbnMIBvMrQ&__tn__=*NK-R (#jimidandthewolf) https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/podcast?__cft__[0]=AZVYzb-QiX5h0hM6AvnITEsd0vne-0pZVJe7mmpNcHQBzb14167uCKmL199Y3AAg77aN3HJqUIhJWPTMtci48tErhKknO1SV1x_gtTu7wRnr0TWE7Q19CsTeGqxBfoktJf9jtDH5Co9n2arUMsRHLrRsOXjMMsayRgYHPbnMIBvMrQ&__tn__=*NK-R (#podcast)