Episode #19: Taking Inspiration From Van Gogh's Work Ethic, and Is Most of Today's Music "midlevel junior league" Stuff?

Published: May 18, 2020, 3 p.m.

This is our first podcast in the same room together since Episode #15 and it feels good to be able to do the podcast together. We start off by discussing Vincent Van Gogh's work ethic and even tho he saw no success in his lifetime (sold one painting), he still was grinding pumping out quality paintings at a super prolific rate. Quote from our podcast: "Just because as an artist you're making music that isnt successful yet doesnt mean it isn't any good." We touch on the screed that a suffering artist mades better art and discuss how accurate we think that principle is. We talk about an interaction Tim had with a commenter on Quora who said that generally music today is all mid level junior league quality because the artists arent getting groomed by labels they way they were back in the day. We discuss our reactions to this. We discuss why some fans want to find new artists before they are big but after the artists make it, those fans don't like them anymore (example: Nirvana and their early fans with whom Nirvana wasn't "cool" anymore after Nirvana went mainstream. Artists we discuss include: Renoir, Manet, Mozart, Beethoven, Otis Redding, Vincent Van Gogh, Syd Barrett and Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, Otis Redding, Tom Scholtz and Boston, Nirvana, Lake Street Dive and Lil Nas X.