The United States in NATO - Contentious Relations

Published: March 12, 2021, 8:36 a.m.

The United States was originally one of the driving forces behind NATO in the post World War II world. Over time, however, the role of the United States has transformed and evolved. From the end of the Cold War, to the post 9/11 world, the relationship between American national security and NATO objectives has been complex, made more complicated by changing security challenges and presidential administrations. How has the role of the United States in NATO changed overtime? How has 4 years of Trump affected NATO relations, and what challenges lie ahead for Biden? And what does the United States still stand to gain from NATO? In the Jason Institute's latest lustrum podcast episode, Bérénice Cabanne interviews Dr. Ruud Janssens, Professor of American Studies at the University of Amsterdam, to answer these questions and more.