#46: Book of the Month! WOMEN DON'T OWE YOU PRETTY

Published: March 12, 2021, 5 a.m.

Women Don't Owe You Pretty by Florence Given is an awesome read, whether as a first step into feminism or as a way to reflect on what you think you know up until this point. I have loved reading it, and can honestly say that as I read I thought of SO MANY people I want to share it with. I highly encourage you give this quick discussion a listen, and then hopefully go buy the book for yourself!!! If it doesn't turn you into a raging feminist, it will at least encourage you to question your identity and your relationships in the best way!!! PS I talk about Harley Quinn and what my dad drinks in the hot tub 

CONTENT WARNING: themes of sexual assault around the 26 min mark, if you want to skip through it is finished around 29:00/30:00.


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