Why is coronavirus disproportionately affecting the UK's BAME communities?

Published: April 21, 2020, 3:41 p.m.

b'In today\'s episode we look at why a disproportionate number of people from black, Asian and other ethnic minority backgrounds are dying from coronavirus in the UK.

The government has launched a review to try to find out. On Monday, the NHS released figures showing that, out of all Covid-19 deaths in English hospitals, 16.2 per cent of patients were from black, Asian and ethnic minority communities. That compares to BAME people accounting for 13 percent of the population in England and Wales, according to the last census. And in our health service, people from BAME backgrounds have accounted for two thirds of NHS deaths so far.

So what\'s happening? ITV News\' Rageh Omaar has been investigating this issue. He speaks to Mary Nightingale about the socio-economic and cultural factors that are playing a part.

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