What I learnt from spending three months with Keir Starmer

Published: Jan. 17, 2024, 1:54 p.m.

b"With a general election looming, ITV News\\u2019 Anushka Asthana has spent the past three months with the man tipped to become our next prime minister.

Keir Starmer's Labour party are leading the polls and yet he\\u2019s been described as \\u201ctoo boring\\u201d \\u2013 so does he really have what it takes to lead the nation?

What drives him? And what\\u2019s his ultimate vision for Britain?

Deputy Political Editor Anushka Asthana tells Tom Bradby what you need to know...

For more on this, tune into ITV1 on Thursday 18th January at 20.30 to watch Tonight - Keir Starmer: Up Close or catch up on ITVX. "