Should second homes be banned?

Published: March 20, 2024, 12:29 p.m.

b'It\\u2019s a touchstone issue that affects beauty spots right across the country.\\xa0

Second homes \\u2013 with a 50% rise in ownership over the last decade, they\\u2019re driving out locals and hiking up house prices.

And despite the Chancellor\\u2019s crackdown, campaigners are calling his solution a simple sticking plaster.

So, do the Tories have the silver bullet? Or is the problem too big to fix? And how will housing impact your vote in the next general election?

In a special live edition of the podcast, ITV Anglia\\u2019s political correspondent, Emma Hutchinson and ITV Tyne Tees\\u2019 and ITV Border\\u2019s political correspondent, Tom Sheldrick tell David Wood what you need to know....'