Meghan Markle and Alexa Chung's hairstylist on how you can get a safe haircut

Published: June 22, 2020, 6 a.m.

b'Are you desperate for a haircut? The wait could soon be over with salons and hairdressers hopeful of reopening by summer.

Hairdressers to the stars George Northwood explains to Kylie Pentelow how salons like his are taking steps to reopen safely, why he\\u2019s expecting to deal with some drastic DIY cuts and why lockdown has made him rethink what getting a haircut means to people.

George - whose clients include Meghan Markle and Alexa Chung - says he and other salon owners are not prepared to compromise on safety and those coming in for cuts must understand it won\'t be the same as their pre-lockdown haircut experience.

Plus, he discusses his experience of the past few months and how he replied to the "few requests" he received to give a sly trim to his clients at the height of lockdown.'