ITV News journalists reflect on how reporting on coronavirus changed their personal lives

Published: Sept. 27, 2020, 7 a.m.

b'In the history of post-war television news there has never been a story like the 2020 coronavirus pandemic. And, of course, with several months still to go until the end of the year, it is far from over.

In this special edition of the podcast, ITV News Presenter Mary Nightingale is joined by three colleagues to share their experiences of reporting on the first six months of the pandemic.

Along with Mary, Asia Correspondent Debi Edward, International Affairs Editor and Presenter Rageh Omaar and ITV Granada\\u2019s Political Correspondent Hannah Miller all contributed their reflections on covering the crisis in a new book, Reporting Coronavirus.

In this episode, they discuss how news was kept on air and online, from Debi\'s initial reports of a mystery virus that "still didn\'t have a name" to the radically changed lives and livelihoods people across Britain had to adapt to as the tragedy of avoidable deaths mounted.

Rageh shares the moment he did what "no reporter is supposed to do" less than an hour before going on air to present News At Ten, while Hannah explains how a WhatsApp message turned the story of a blind man into a national concern.

Plus, Mary shares the reality of life in the news studio and the unorthodox steps taken to keep the public informed throughout the crisis so far, before Debi explains why we may never discover the truth about the outbreak.'