Is this the perfect time to radically change your way of living?

Published: Sept. 18, 2020, 12:31 p.m.

While we\u2019ve all adjusted to a new way of living these past six months, anthropologist James Suzman argues the time is right to really push for radical change in our lives.

The author of Work: A History of How We Spend Our Time tells ITV News presenter Lucrezia Millarini what would have been viewed at the start of 2020 as \u201cridiculously radical\u201d is ready for re-evaluation and embracement.

\u201cSomething like a pandemic \u2026 is a great stimulus for making people think about potential new futures for themselves,\u201d James argues. \u201cI think we need to be brave and experimental.\u201d

The end of city centres as we know them? No more working in offices? Only work a few hours a week? James may be coming way out of left field but is armed with researched arguments after years of studying a remarkable group of people who enjoy all of the above in their daily lives.

So - on your behalf - Lucrezia ultimately asks: could this really work in modern post-pandemic Britain?