Inside an intensive care unit as staff and patients fight coronavirus - an eyewitness report from the 'red zone'

Published: April 7, 2020, 5:03 p.m.

b'ITV News Health Correspondent Emily Morgan witnessed the reality of what it is like to treat coronavirus-infected patients on the frontline, after she and an ITV News crew were invited to the Royal Bournemouth Hospital to see the intensive care unit there, known as the \'red zone\'.
It was the first time cameras in the UK were been allowed to film inside an intensive care unit treating critically ill coronavirus patients.

Emily talks to Mary Nightingale about what she saw: the staff on the frontline who are under almost intolerable pressure - made all the more challenging as patients in their final moments cannot be consoled by their loved ones. Emily spoke to patients who successfully recovered from the virus - and explains exactly what treatment coronavirus patients get in intensive care.

You can watch Emily\'s report from inside the Royal Bournemouth Hospital here:

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