How safe are the vaccines and will we need annual boosters?

Published: Feb. 15, 2021, 9 a.m.

b"If you follow ITV News on Twitter you'll have seen us put a message out to our audience recently, asking: \\u201cDo you have questions or concerns about the current UK vaccines rollout?\\u201d

It turns out many of you did.

So in this episode of Coronavirus: What You Need To Know, Lucrezia Millarini gets all the answers from Professor Anthony Harnden, who advises the government on the vaccine rollout as the deputy chair of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation.

Prof Harnden - who also administers the jabs in his role as a GP - addresses concerns about the safety of the vaccines, the prospect of future annual booster jabs, the AstraZeneca jab's effectiveness against the South Africa variant of the virus and even when lockdown might end."