Does lockdown easing worry you? Follow this advice

Published: June 30, 2020, 7:15 a.m.

b'\\u201cYou\\u2019ll have some people celebrating and being thrilled. You\\u2019ll have other people really terrified of making those first steps into the communities they once felt completely at peace within.\\u201d

So says TV presenter and psychologist Emma Kenny on how different people are likely to respond to the easing of lockdown measures.

She has timely advice for those suffering from \\u2018return anxiety\\u2019 as things in society begin to resemble what life was like pre-pandemic.

The Manchester-based psychologist talks Kylie Pentelow through key strategies for dealing with common concerns, like stepping out in public, sending children back to school or preparing to mix with a lot of people after months of isolated living.'