110 - Hypothetically Abort

Published: May 22, 2023, 11 a.m.

This episode talks about abortion, hypothetical terrible situations, and our absolute disgust in the supreme court decision to reverse Roe vs Wade. Originally recorded in the summer of 2022, this "time capsule" of a podcast is a snapshot in time of how we felt back when the news first dropped.


Sadly, our feelings on the subject remain much the same.


Show notes: N/A


K Sera's afterthoughts:

I don’t have much to say except that all people should have access to healthcare, and that, to me, includes access to abortion. Women’s health is a minefield of social bullshit that people will pick at and dissect ad nauseum, looking for reasons, exceptions, exemptions, justifications, and outside interests - as if a woman can’t be trusted to make a decision for herself.


Being a woman is often not being listened to, not being believed, being told that their pain isn’t real or that their “primal purpose” is to have children. It is learning that your value as a person is directly related to your perceived attractiveness or how many children you have.


If you are a woman, you are a “failure” if you aren’t married with children by age 30. If you wear an arbitrary size 10 or larger, you are “ugly” and “unhealthy” and it is somehow also your fault. It is “normal” to starve yourself or exercise for hours to “make up” for eating. 


We are kidding ourselves if we think we value and view women as socially equal to men. At best, women are treated like something between human and livestock. It’s been a little over a 100 years since women could vote. It has been just under 50 years since women (married or not) could open a credit or checking account that they have sole control over. 


Women are going to be fighting for a long damn time to taken seriously and to have our choices respected. And in the meantime, I expect a lot of women are going to suffer and die because there are still too many people who refuse to see woman as fully human - as people deserving the same respect and rights as men.


Phil's afterthoughts:

I am sad and angry about this whole thing. A year has passed and the fact that women have either suffered horridly, died, and/or both because of this Supreme Court decision has me enraged. I am also sad because since recording, things have only gotten worse.


I hope for things to get better, but I fail to see any evidence to support wishful thinking. At some point I wonder how many more civil liberties will be stripped before the obvious question becomes the main question: "do I leave this country for the sake of my family?"

I am saddened and disappointed in this country.