101 - Home Movies

Published: Jan. 30, 2023, 2:05 p.m.

K Sera states that watching movies at home is better than going to the theater. Micah discusses the finer technical aspects that only movie theater offers. Phill discusses a completely different topic all together about dating.


Show notes:



Should have named this episode Phil’s dating advice 101. 

What happened to my home movies?

Also, Micah really likes the movie theater experience. I still can’t figure out why? But there’s a lot of things other people do and enjoy that I … really don’t. So! 

Maybe I should become a Buddhist monk? Just reject these earthly attachments and hermit myself away? Yeah. Except I have plenty of earthly attachments. Curses! It will never work. I love cheese way too much! 

Pro tip: don’t assume everyone likes the same things you like! Even if you can’t really understand what kind of heathen doesn’t like cheese? I mean, cheese is so good? Why wouldn’t you have cheese with every meal? Still, it’s okay if you don’t like cheese. More for me!


Phil's after thought:

This episode made me yell at myself (when listening/editing)! That being said, there is something important about having "a third place" and movie theaters seem like a decent enough spot for that. I think Micah really enjoys the technical aspects of movies and sometimes that experience is highlighted with going to a good theater. For me, going to the movies is a treat because of how costly the logistics are (hiring a baby sitter, finding the time to do it, going out and most likely eating at a restaurant near by). It's not that these are necessary things to enjoy a film, but they are nice to have.

Also, movies themselves are very much boring. Maybe because every story is the same story, or maybe I watched too many movies and now I am just hard to impress, but reading/listening to a good book (or entertaining book, or both) has more joy to me now. I think there is something about a good story (not ruined by Hollywood executives) that really shines through any medium, and right now books are less contaminated by "focus groups, return on investment, and non-value additions to plot to satisfy a new growing marker"
I have this same feeling for video games too. Small indie games feel more artistic and fun while AAA games are just a mass manufactured frozen dinner by comparison. Nintendo is an example where even their most successful franchise "Mario Kart" is literally a remake of a game from the previous generation. And don't get me started on Pokemon!
So perhaps "theater experience" is just a derivative of the decline of good films, and that low-budget indie films are enjoyable at home (as they are not going to be technically oriented due to costs anyway).
I should have led with this argument first, instead of my outdated take on what dating is (good grief). The last time I dated (this is with the editor) I was in High School and AOL instant messaging with a 56k modem was a large part of my courtship. My advice on dating tips should include "warning: these suggestions coincide with dinosaurs roaming the earth, caveat emptor!"