084 -Tic Tac Two

Published: Sept. 5, 2022, 2:27 p.m.

Phil wants to update Tic Tac Toe so that it is more fun. Micah finds a game breaking glitch, and K Sera offers much better substitutes for paperless games.


Show Notes:

Tic Tac Toe

Play Chess!


K Sera's after thoughts:

- As for chess and its current solvelessness… here is what Wikipedia says “solved” means. This assumes “perfect play” or as Micah put it “optimal moves” - all that said, I think the jury is out right now on whether it might be a solved game some day. Probably not in our lifetimes at any rate.

Go is usually played on a 19x19 board, Micah.

- Adding a gambling aspect to solved games like tic tac toe might make a game more fun and unpredictable for people who enjoy that kind of thing… I guess. Not really for me, though. I don’t particularly care for gambling. If I participate in silly bets, it’s more for the other party’s amusement.

- Also, the ratio of the circumference of any circle to the diameter of that circle is not the same thing as solving chess. An irrational number isn’t the same thing as possible moves on a limited board from a limited set of pieces. Sorry Phil. Tic tac no!


Phil's after thoughts:

-Good points Sarah (and well played!)

-I really like Chess and Board Games, but that does not mean I am good at them (the Editor frequently beats me). That being said,  I love the challenge and the "act of playing" (if that makes any sense).

-I just don't like it when it becomes too competitive. For me, once it reaches a point where you can't have friendly banter while playing, it feels more like work.