068 - A Taxing Religion

Published: May 16, 2022, 11 a.m.

K Sera asks about religion and taxes. Micah discusses the religious interference with politics and governance. Phil struggles as a recovering Catholic.

Note: originally recorded during the Spring of 2021 (one year earlier from the publishing of this episode), comments about the major trial in Minnesota and the impact of the Pandemic was still very fresh in our minds. If only we knew what more was to come.

Show Notes:

Joel Osteen, a megachurch, and a flood.

Religious Tax Fraud Example


K Sera's after thoughts:

-Religion is taxing, isn’t it? Just like every other communal organization or social congregation. Ugh. I’m too introverted for this. 

But that’s not the topic at hand. 

- Churches should be paying property taxes. Oh, but they’re doing charity work, you say. They are doing good things for the community, you say. Are they? Are they really?

- If churches are going to keep sticking their self-righteous fingers in our politics, they can pay for the privilege.


Phil's after thoughts:

-Yeah, after editing this episode I cringed at my arguments in light of the Roe Versus Wade overturning from the leaked memo. Seriously, if Religion has this much space in our political sphere, they ought to at least chip in a few bucks to pay for the city expenses too. They want the privilege to "make us do what they morally say" but without the pesky burden of having to fund us or pay.
-Also, Religion subscribers are rapidly dwindling. It's only a matter of time that they fall apart in the northern states. The South is another story...