062 - Entertainment Expenses

Published: Feb. 28, 2022, noon

Phil asks if our modern entertainment options are experiencing deflationary pressures like never before. Micah and K Sera bring up the obvious reasons why Phil is wrong. Enjoy the episode!



Wii for 1 dollar

(Insert “first time?” meme here): Inflation and the next generation.


K Sera’s afterthoughts:



Phil afterthoughts:

-I apologize that this is a topic that I CANNOT STOP TALKING ABOUT. Clearly I apologize to K Sera and Micah for just talking at them for 35 minutes straight.

-Also, I love how Micah just destroys my argument with “what about live events?” question! This episode could have been 5 minutes long! Thank you Micah for suffering through my rants instead of just shutting this down.

-We recorded this episode in the spring of 2021 (a year from publishing date) and even then inflation discussion was on our radar. Today, in the late February of 2022, inflation is often discussed as a pastime now. I wouldn’t be surprised if gas hits 5 dollars a gallon in the Midwest by late spring. But that’s a completely different topic all together.