055 - The Real Holodeck

Published: Dec. 27, 2021, noon

Phil asks if writing a book is the closest thing we’ll get to a Holodeck. Then the discussion gets real dark.


Show Notes:

What is a Holodeck?

Holodeck addiction (episode and reference)

Neural pathways and addiction

Attractive nuisance doctrine (you can be held liable for people trespassing into your property)


K Sera’s after thoughts:

- Oof, I hate to say this but… I agree with Micah? Video games are closer to a holodeck than reading or even writing a book. 

- And boy this went dark fast. - While I don’t really buy the slippery slope argument, because I do think there are some distinct lines that can be drawn on the subject of sexual morality (probably), I can see where allowing access to certain items that are not in and of themselves harmful could lead to acts of harm. Some kinks are ‘weird’ or ‘gross’ or not for everyone, but not harmful if you take the right precautions. What one, two or more consenting adults do by themselves or with each other in the privacy of their own home is really no one else’s business. Unrelated people can stay the heck out of it. The line after that should not be crossed. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.

- Holodecks sound super fun, though! As a personal preference, I’d rather be the observer, not the protagonist. In general I would rather read a book or watch a movie than play a video game. Unless it’s Stardew Valley. Best. Game. Ever.


Phil’s after thoughts:

-So after re-listening to this episode, I want to make it very clear that I SUPPORT GAY MARRIAGE! I was trying to use a “mock-conservative” voice but it fell flat. Also, GAY MARRIAGE IS NOT YUCKY!

-I love how Micah destroys my argument in less than five seconds. Well done sir.

-Finally, I think Lucid dreaming is the closest thing we can get to a Holodeck, and unfortunately I only thought of this while I was uploading this episode!

-Sorry for the dark episode, I tried to keep it light but I couldn’t help myself bringing terrible examples and comments. There’s always next year!