Ep. 94: Oil and Water

Published: May 13, 2019, 2:10 a.m.

HOT TOPIC: Oil spills. What constitutes an oil spill, what effects can spills have, and how do responders clean them up? Learn the basics of oil spill response and why remediation challenges must be overcome on a case-by-case basis. Featuring: Robyn Conmy, Jon Gulch, and Jeff Kimble, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Socialize with science on Twitter and Facebook using @ISGPforum. Disclaimer: The ISGP is a nonprofit organization that does not lobby for any position except rational thinking. Podcasts within the "Hot Topics Series" (Episodes 75+) reflect the views expressed by featured guests. For information on The Forum, please visit www.ISGPforum.org, and to learn more about the ISGP, check out www.scienceforglobalpolicy.org.