Ep. 86: Silly Rabbit, Trix Aren't for Kids

Published: Jan. 21, 2019, 3 a.m.

HOT TOPIC: Food labelling and dietary patterns. A growing body of evidence following the implementation of Chile's Law on Food Labelling and Advertising suggests that dietary patterns are influenced by food packages and advertising. How did Chile pass a law that restricts food mascots, mandates labels for unhealthy ingredients, and eliminates child-targeted marketing? Why haven't other countries been successful with similar attempts? Featuring: Jaime Burrows, Ministry of Health of Chile Socialize with science on Twitter and Facebook using @ISGPforum. Disclaimer: The ISGP is a nonprofit organization that does not lobby for any position except rational thinking. Podcasts within the "Hot Topics Series" (Episodes 75+) reflect the views expressed by featured guests. For information on The Forum, please visit www.ISGPforum.org, and to learn more about the ISGP, check out www.scienceforglobalpolicy.org.