Ep. 109: Meet the Plastics

Published: Dec. 9, 2019, 3:53 a.m.

b'HOT TOPIC: Plastic pollution.\\nPlastic pollution in waterways harms marine life and could even affect human health. Learn how a combination of individual and collective actions can help make a dent in this growing global challenge.\\nFeaturing: Kera Abraham Panni, Monterey Bay Aquarium\\n\\nSocialize with science on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram using @ISGPforum.\\n\\nDisclaimer: The ISGP is a nonprofit organization that does not lobby for any position except rational thinking. Podcasts within the "Hot Topics Series" (Episodes 75+) reflect the views expressed by featured guests. Furthermore, a member of the co-host team is currently employed by the U.S. Department of State, but the views expressed in this episode are not necessarily those of the U.S. Government. For more information on The Forum, please visit www.ISGPforum.org.'