Matthew Ahern & The Irish in New Orleans

Published: March 15, 2020, noon


The Irish Cultural Museum of New Orleans has as its mission statement to devote resources to educate and create public awareness among locals, tourists, and others of the contributions Ireland, her people, and their culture have made to New Orleans since its colonial beginnings. We strive to promote knowledge and appreciation of the history of New Orleans, her Irish heritage and culture, and the present day Irish-American community. We support causes and organizations with similar ambitions who actively engage in benefiting society by promoting unity, friendship, and Christian charity.

A visit to the Irish Cultural Museum of New Orleans will leave you with a truly new perspective and appreciation for the history of this beautifully complex city. You will learn the untold history and stories of the Irish adventurers, soldiers, mercenaries, priests, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, public servants and others who found there niche here and who have left us with their spirit, their accomplishments, their culture, and their ancestors; all of which define the Irish New Orleanian today.



