E056: Prairie Girl

Published: Feb. 19, 2019, 10:58 a.m.

b'We\'re back, my little chili babies! After some time off producing our new darkly comic sci-fi audio drama, Parasitecology, Interrupted Tales returns with a Tale of (barely) forbidden love from the March, 1943 issue of Ranch Romances. Maybe "forbidden" isn\'t the right word for it, perhaps "barely there" is the right one? Anyhoo, it\'s a hoot and we\'re excited to be back!\\nThis episode features a conversation spurred by The History of Bad Ideas podcast, who you should be subscribing to and following on Twitter at @BadIdeasPodcast. If it\'s geeky, they\'ve got fun opinions about it.\\nA quick word on scheduling: We are back but changing our frequency for a bit. We\'ll be switching to new episodes every other Tuesday, with Parasitecology being released the in-between weeks. So if you\'re getting this when it comes out, you can listen to Parasitecology next Tuesday, and then a new Interrupted Tales the next one. This will last for the 14 episodes of Parasitecology. We do hope you give it a try, it\'s a sci-fi tale of fugitive aliens that live on your brainstem, depressed IT workers, interplanetary conspiracy, and pizza rolls. If you like it you\'ll still get us every week!\\nYou can follow\\xa0us on on\\xa0Twitter\\xa0@taleinterrupted,\\xa0Instagram at\\xa0interruptedtales, and\\xa0Facebook. DM or message us through one of those or write to\\xa0podcast@interruptedtales.com. Please take a moment and rate us on Apple Podcasts\\xa0right over here. Every reviewer get free stuff (Jelly the Gelatinous Cube pins, stickers, postcards with original art, and more) sent to them! See Twitter for more details.'