Insights Into Entertainment: Episode 58 "Surviving Social Distancing"

Published: March 23, 2020, noon


Disney World is in the news this week doing their part to help through the current crisis by donating foot to a local food bank. Then we'll give you some ways to pass the time at home with some virtual rides of Disney's popular parks. We'll look at Abigail Disney's reaction to masses of people flocking to Disney parks before their closure to combat the virus. And Disney releases Onward for digital download early to help the folks at home get through these troubled times.

In Star Wars Insights we take a look at the revival of a much beloved character moving from animation to real live action in the upcoming season of The Mandalorian and who has been picked to play the role.

Entertainment news highlights what TV's fictional hospitals are doing to help combat the spread of the virus. We've also got an update on the copyright suit against Katy Perry and Universal Pictures gets into the spirit of giving as it drops some of their content for early on demand streaming for home viewers.

As always we'll finish up with a few of our Insightful Picks of the Week that will surely help you get through these tough times.
